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Mile 1694

7459 ft above sea level


Posted by Randall on July 20, 2022 · 2 mins read

I don’t think I made it out of the wedding unscathed. Yesterday I was feeling off and this morning even more so. I had a mild sore throat and stuffed up nose most of the day.

I was worried it would affect my hiking and I wouldn’t have enough food to make it to town if I took longer. Luckily there’s a sort of “town” right on the trail that at least has some stuff to buy. That put my mind at ease a bit.

I took some ibuprofen and got started before it got hot. My hiking pace wasn’t really slowed at all and I made great progress. I’m even saw some other hikers today at this water cache!

The cache was restocked yesterday so there was a lot of water. The shade from the sign was very welcome too. When I got there, two hikers were getting ready to leave. I refilled my water and caught up to them on the way to the next water source.

The first 7 miles from the cache to the source were great, then the fatigue started. It felt like I crawled the last three miles and I felt nauseous from not eating enough food. I made dinner at the water source and hiked on for three more miles. This would put me at 40 miles on the day again!

As I went up the hill to find camping I saw some more wild horses. They seem to be everywhere around here.

I got to the 40 mile mark in the dark and had a pretty hard time finding camping in the sagebrush. Another problem is the grass here is super sharp and will poke through my tent. At least I have less than 30 miles to town tomorrow.